
Welcome to V-Editor3D.
V-Editor3D is a WEB tool for creating a 3D environment for the WEB, which render for JavaScript librarie.
Created by .
Still under development. Only simple 3D objects are being tested.

Click to start.

Play (Is not working)
Pause (Is not working)
Stop (Is not working)
These features are not yet available.
Only one edit screen
Only one edit screen
Use 2 screen for editing
Use 2 screen for editing
Use 4 screen for editing
Use 4 screen for editing
Information from ViewPort
Width :(:)
Height :(:)
ViewPort 1
camera : (:)
X : (:)
Y : (:)
Z : (:)
Rotate X : (:)
Rotate Y : (:)
Rotate Z : (:)
ViewPort 2
camera : (:)
X : (:)
Y : (:)
Z : (:)
Rotate X : (:)
Rotate Y : (:)
Rotate Z : (:)
ViewPort 3
camera : (:)
X : (:)
Y : (:)
Z : (:)
Rotate X : (:)
Rotate Y : (:)
Rotate Z : (:)
ViewPort 4 (Main)
camera : (:)
X : (:)
Y : (:)
Z : (:)
Rotate X : (:)
Rotate Y : (:)
Rotate Z : (:)
About V-Editor3D
V-Editor3D is a WEB 3D scene editing tool using the Three.js library.
Created by Vinicius Valente Coutinho.
Fully developed with JavaScript.
Still under development.
Keys to rotate or move: "A", "D", "W", "S".
URL : http://vvcestudio.com.br/en/veditor3d
Add 2D objects to the project.
Tube(Is not working)
Parametric(Is not working)
Text(Is not working)
Polyhedron(Is not working)
Wireframe(Is not working)
Edges(Is not working)
Humanoid robot.(Is not working)
Add complex 3D objects.
Material TypeMeshBasicMaterial: Does not react to lighting. 
MeshLambertMaterial: Receives lighting. 
MeshPhongMaterial: Improved material.
Color :
Material color.
Number from 0 to 255.
{color: 0x808099}
Red :
Green :
Blue :
map : {map} texture property.
map : The color map.
The default is null.
 .jpg or .png file.
(novo) bumpMap:MeshPhongMaterial{bumpMap};
Texture depth effect.
The default is null.
 .jpg or .png file.
(novo)emissiveMap:{emissiveMap: Img}
(novo)specular:{specular: 0xffffff}
(novo)emissive:{emissive: 0x550000}
(novo).bumpScale:Efeito profundidade de textura. intencidade do profundidade. Ex.: 0.9, 0.3
(novo).shininess:Brilho minimo. Brilho máximo. Ex: 1, 100
wireframeTipo Boolean. wireframe : Render geometry as wireframe. Default is false (i.e. render as flat polygons).
wireframeLinecapTipo String. wireframeLinecap : Define appearance of line ends. Possible values are "butt", "round" and "square". Default is "round". This corresponds to the 2D Canvas lineCap property and it is ignored by the WebGL renderer.
wireframeLinejoinTipo String. wireframeLinejoin : Define appearance of line joints. Possible values are "round", "bevel" and "miter". Default is "round". This corresponds to the 2D Canvas lineJoin property and it is ignored by the WebGL renderer.
wireframeLinewidth : Tipo numerico Float. wireframeLinewidth : Largura das linhar da grade
Render Mat Three.js (Generate Three.js Code).
List Scene Mat. (JSON)
Serão excluidos no editor de material.
.alphaMap : Tipo texture. alphaMap : O mapa alfa é uma textura em tons de cinza que controla a opacidade na superfície (preto: totalmente transparente; branco: totalmente opaco). O padrão é nulo.
.aoMap : Tipo texture. aoMap : O canal vermelho desta textura é usado como o mapa de oclusão do ambiente. O padrão é nulo. O aoMap requer um segundo conjunto de UVs.
.aoMapIntensity : Tipo numérico float. aoMapIntensity : Intensidade do efeito de oclusão do ambiente. O padrão é 1. Zero não é nenhum efeito de oclusão.
.envMap : Tipo texture. envMap : O environment map. O padrão é null.
.lightMap : (Texture). lightMap : O mapa de luz. O padrão é null. O lightMap requer um segundo conjunto de UVs.
lightMapIntensity : Tipo numérico float. lightMapIntensity : Intensidade da luz cozida. O padrão é 1.
reflectivity : Tipo numérico float. reflectivity : How much the environment map affects the surface; also see .combine. The default value is 1 and the valid range is between 0 (no reflections) and 1 (full reflections).
refractionRatio : Tipo numérico float. refractionRatio : The index of refraction (IOR) of air (approximately 1) divided by the index of refraction of the material. It is used with environment mapping modes THREE.CubeRefractionMapping and THREE.EquirectangularRefractionMapping. The refraction ratio should not exceed 1. Default is 0.98.
specularMap : Tipo Texture. specularMap : Specular map used by the material. Default is null.
.combine : Tipo numérico inteiro. combine : Como combinar o resultado da cor da superfície com o mapa do ambiente, se houver. A opções é THREE.Multiply (default), THREE.MixOperation, THREE.AddOperation. Se a mistura for escolhida, a .reflectivity será usada para misturar as duas cores.