

See here images of the planets where the robot explorer will look for precious stones.

Home screen.
Cristal Bot planeta Plutao
An image from the game CristalBot on the moon.
Cristal Bot planeta Lua
An image from the game Cristal Bot on Planet Mars.
Cristal Bot planeta Venus
Uma imagem do game Cristal Bot no planeta Mercurio.
Cristal Bot planeta Mercurio
Uma imagem do game Cristal Bot no planeta Plutão.
Cristal Bot planeta Marte
Uma imagem do game Cristal Bot no planeta Venus.
Cristal Bot planeta Marte
Cabine de controle da Nave.
Cristal Bot planeta Marte
An image from the game Cristal-Bot-Beta-1 on the planet Pluto.

Cristal Bot planeta Plutao
An image from the game Cristal-Bot-Beta-1 on the Moon.

Cristal Bot planeta Lua
An image from the game Cristal-Bot-Beta-1 on the planet Venus.

Cristal Bot planeta Venus
An image from the game Cristal-Bot-Beta-1 on the planet Mercury.

Cristal Bot planeta Mercurio
An image from the game Cristal-Bot-Beta-1 on the planet Mars.

Cristal Bot planeta Marte
Image of 3D modeling in Blender.
Cristal Bot modelagem Blender
A hand-drawn photo of the game's first draft.
Cristal Bot rascunho game

See the Cristal-Bot-Beta page.

Play Crystal Bot WEB